Let's get you started
If you need any help or are not sure which category your firm would come under then please contact our Intermediary Sales Team on 0345 0615 700 Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm, use the webchat button at the bottom right of your screen or our contact form. All information supplied on this form will be checked. If we’re missing anything, we’ll contact you to let you know.

I’m from a directly authorised firm looking to sell and refer clients to Paymentshield
The firm I represent is directly authorised and we want to sell directly and refer clients to Paymentshield.

I’m from a directly authorised firm only wanting to refer to Paymentshield
The firm I represent is directly authorised and we just want to refer clients to Paymentshield (not sell directly.)

Non regulated
I’d like to refer business to Paymentshield and the firm I represent is a non-regulated.
Application for directly authorised Firms
This form is only for firms that are directly authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and should be completed by a controller.