Marketing toolkit
All of the resources in our toolkit are designed to support your GI sales process from template letters that can be used as direct mail campaigns to customer leaflets and guides to help inform clients about insurance and the value of your advice.
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Sales support tools
Client fact find documents
Case Studies
Template letters
Useful videos for your clients
Video: What's accidental damage cover?
Find out more about the optional extra accidental damage and why getting advice about it could be useful.In Insurance tips
Video: What's legal expenses cover?
Find out more about the optional extra legal expenses and what it covers.In Insurance tips
Video: What insurance might tenants need?
It's important as a tenant to protect the things you care about but what insurance might be needed?In Insurance tips
Video: What's home emergency cover?
Find out more about the optional extra home emergency and what's classed as an emergency when making a claim.In Insurance tips
Video: What's personal possessions cover?
Find out more about the optional extra personal possessions and what it covers.In Insurance tips
Video: The importance of advice
Why getting advice when it comes to your home insurance is important.In Insurance tips
For further news, podcasts and content then please visit our partner news.