What do you need to know?
The weather in the UK is often unpredictable with a strong chance of, high winds, lightning and pelting rain - even when you're not expecting it! Then when winter arrives, you can expect freezing temperatures and maybe some snow added to the mix.
So, no matter what time of year it is, it's a good idea to ensure your house is in good condition and there are plenty of things you can do to avoid having to worry about what damage bad weather might do to your home.
Why prep your home for bad weather in winter?
Analysis shows claims for damage from bad weather are on the rise, with Paymentshield data highlighting a steady increase in the number and cost of storm damage claims over the last 5 years.
So, prepping your home for bad weather will help keep you and your belongings safe and secure while also avoiding the stress of having to put right any damage to your home.
With an increase in the frequency and the cost of claims rising, this serves as a chilly reminder that you should always check that you’ve got adequate home insurance as well as keeping on top of the maintenance of your home since you’re unlikely to be able to successfully claim for damage to any part of your home that was already in a state of poor repair before the bad weather struck.
What can you do to protect your home from winter weather and storm damage?
Plenty! Here are our top tips to avoid damage from bad weather:
1. Avoid flying garden furniture
When high winds are forecast, remember to secure items in the garden, such as trampolines and garden furniture so they don't become airborne.
2. Check your roof
Check your roof for loose tiles, slates and flashing before it gets windy.
3. Clear your guttering
Protect from leaky roofs by unclogging your gutters and drainpipes of leaves.
4. Trim your trees
To avoid a build-up of leaves in the guttering, the best thing to do is make sure your trees are well pruned. This can also help avoid snow building up on the trees during winter.
5. Avoid frozen and burst pipes
Insulate water pipes and water tanks with good quality lagging. This will protect pipes from freezing during the colder months and help insulate your hot water systems, saving you money in the long run.
6. Check your flood risk
Check if your home is at risk of flooding, and sign up for free flood warnings at:
7. Make sure you're properly insured
Sometimes no matter how prepared you are things don't always go to plan, so check your building insurance to make sure it covers you for what you need or if you prefer, speak to a financial adviser or an insurance specialist.
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